The Log new issue

Hybrid solution sees pilots’ magazine go from strength to strength

BALPA’s magazine The Log is back in print, in a move that has been welcomed by readers and advertisers.

The news that NME magazine will soon be available in print again coincided with the summer 2023 issue of pilots’ magazine The Log hitting readers’ doormats.

The Log, created and produced by CPL One for airline pilots’ union BALPA, is another magazine that has seen a return to print after a period of being in digital format only.

The financial impact of Covid-19 meant BALPA chose to make the quarterly magazine digital-only for a period, but the intention was always to revert back to a print format for at least some issues. 

The summer 2023 edition – featuring a look back at Concorde, 20 years after its last flight – is one of two to be printed this year. The other two issues continue to be digital-only.

The move back to print has been welcomed by readers and advertisers alike, with the CPL One media sales team finding that having both a print and digital option offers a useful choice for organisations that want to promote their products and services to this attractive audience.

Simon Williams, the magazine’s chief editor, said: “We always wanted to keep The Log in both print and digital formats, and the return to print has gone down very well with our readers. 

“The BALPA and CPL One teams have put together another strong issue and it’s great to see it being well supported by our advertisers.”