Creating content to represent a professional body in a fast-changing and challenging world

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) supports the science, art and practice of building services engineering. The professional body, which gained its Royal Charter in 1976, provides its members and the public with first-class information and education services, promoting the spirit of fellowship that guides their work.

The Challenge

CPL One had created a new industry-leading publication for CIBSE, supported by a website and digital magazine edition. Since its launch, CIBSE Journal has been at the heart of recent debates on climate change, and how better building design and performance can achieve government targets. However, real-world events have often required an immediate, sensitive and well-judged editorial response.

The Solution

The CIBSE Journal editorial team at CPL One worked with the communications team at CIBSE to develop a content strategy that would give readers greater depth on key areas of innovation and regulation, and on topics such as health and wellbeing. They also committed to reinforce CIBSE’s strategy to promote inclusiveness and diversity in building services, and to attract young people into the industry.

Since 2017, CIBSE Journal has earned considerable praise for its coverage of the Grenfell Tower fire – a tragedy that has had huge ramifications for the building services sector. The team devoted considerable resources to highlighting best practice and the changes needed in the industry to prevent such a disaster from happening again.

The results

88% rate the technical coverage in CIBSE Journal as good or excellent

93% rate the Journal as good or excellent

CIBSE Journal voted No 1 CIBSE membership benefit

In October 2023, CIBSE Journal editor Alex Smith was awarded the prestigious President’s Commendation

We’re delighted by CPL One’s work on our digital content. The print version has consistently been voted our top member benefit and the digital magazine and newsletters allow us to build on that success.

Stephen Matthews, chief executive, CIBSE


  • Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers


  • Membership


  • Content strategy
  • Design
  • Digital development
  • Editorial


  • Print magazine
  • Website


  • Content strategy
  • Design
  • Digital development
  • Editorial


  • Print magazine
  • Website